About Us

About Us


Our mission is to preserve memories and create legacies through photography. We believe that photographs are more than images—they are vital links to our past, present, and future. By capturing and sharing our family histories, we ensure that our stories endure for generations to come. Together, let's celebrate our heritage and inspire future connections through the power of photography.


Memories are fragile. Over time, or due to illness, they can fade, causing precious moments with loved ones to slip through our fingers. At Photo Family Tree, we're devoted to preserving these invaluable memories so your family's history is never lost. Here's how we help:

  • Capturing Stories from Living Relatives: We offer easy, heartfelt ways to record your loved ones' stories so future generations can know the people who came before them.
  • Connecting Generations: We create a bridge between generations by documenting family stories. Your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will grow up understanding their heritage and feeling connected to the past.
  • Customizable Keepsakes: From digital archives to beautiful scrapbook pages and personalized photo books, Photo Family Tree offers a range of customizable products that make it easy to preserve and display your family's legacy.

Founded by Great-Grandma Alma, who cherishes every moment with her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, Photo Family Tree was born out of a deep love for family. Alma knows these stories' importance, even if they aren't always discussed at family gatherings. With only one grandchild showing interest in their genealogy, Alma worries that the family's rich history could be forgotten if those stories aren't captured.

Just like Alma, your family has unique stories waiting to be told. But without action, those stories risk disappearing with older generations. Alma's passion for preserving family history became Photo Family Tree, a personal project to ensure that your family's stories are cherished and passed down for generations.

Don't let your family's history fade away. With Photo Family Tree, preserving your legacy is simple, beautiful, and lasting. Let's work together to keep those memories alive forever.


Our core values are integrity, responsibility, and commitment to our word. At Photo Family Tree, we uphold these principles while offering innovative, handcrafted products that preserve legacies. Each product is designed to be practical, easily customizable, and enjoyable to use, ensuring that capturing and sharing family history is both meaningful and accessible.


The Golden Rule-treat others as you want to be treated—is a fundamental principle. In a world focused on wealth and power, it's vital to remember that compromising core values for personal gain diminishes our integrity and undermines meaningful relationships. Upholding honesty, respect, and empathy not only preserves our moral compass but also fosters a better society where everyone can thrive.


Founder, manager, and engine: Alma Boodram, founder, manager, and driving force behind Photo Family Tree, is renowned among her friends and family for her numerous projects. What began as a hobby evolved into a passionate business endeavor. Since 2015, Alma has forged ahead as a solo entrepreneur, embodying the spirit of determination reminiscent of the classic children's tale, "The Little Engine That Could." Like the persistent little engine chanting, "I think I can, I think I can," Alma believes in overcoming obstacles to achieve success, regardless of age or challenges. At 76 years old, she remains undeterred, knowing that success may be just around the corner. 

Despite her steadfast commitment, Grandma Alma acknowledges the support she received from a Belarus company:  Mobecls, and many other freelancers in bringing the Photo Family Tree website to life.

Preserve Your Legacy: Start Recording Your Family History Today!